About You

Borrower Full Legal Name
Do you go by an alternate name(s)?
Is there another name you use regularly on documents, or preferred to be called?
Alternative Name(s)

Citizenship Status
Race (Check all that apply)
Hispanic or Latino
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
Native Hawaiian or other pacific islander
Current Address
When did you move to this address? (Approximately)
Is your mailing address the same as your current address?
Current Address - Own or Rent?
Have you lived at your current address for less than 2 years?
Former Address 1
Lived at former address from:
Former Address #2 (if current and recent address combined is less than 2 years)
Lived at former address from (date):
Is there a person who is not your legal spouse, but who currently has (or would have) real property rights similar to those of a legal spouse?
Do you have any dependants?
Did you (or your spouse) ever serve, or are you currently serving, in the United States Armed Forces?
Military Service
(Check all that apply)
Projected expiration date:


Are you currently employed?
Do you work from home?
Are you the Business Owner or Self-Employed?
If yes to being business owner/self-employed:
Are you employed by a family member?
Employer (Company) Address
Start Date
Manager Name
Are you currently employed by more than one employer?
Employer (Company) Name
Employer (Company) Address
Start Date
End Date
Manager Name
Employed in current position for less than 2 years? (Lending guidelines require a 2 year employment history in most cases)
Add another employer? (Lending guidelines require a 2 year employment history in most cases- Discuss with us if needed)
Were you self employed?
Employer (Company) Name
Employer (Company) Address
Start Date
End date
Manager Name
Are there other sources of income you wish to count in the calculation of your qualificaion? (Check all that apply)
Check all that apply
Is the child support received through the attorney General’s Office?


Did you file your tax returns for 2019?
Did you file your tax returns for 2020?
Did you file your tax returns for 2021?
Do you have an extension for 2020? (If yes, please include copy with your homework)
Do you owe the IRS any back taxes?
Are you under a payment plan?
Have you been divorced in the past 10 years?
Do you pay any child care?
Are you a co-signer or guarantor on any debt or loan that is not disclosed on this application?
Are there any outstanding judgements against you?
Are you currently delinquent or in default on a Federal debt?
Are you a party to a lawsuit in which you potentially have any personal financial liability?
Have you conveyed title to any property in lieu of foreclosure in the past 7 years?
Have you had a foreclosure, pre-foreclosure sale or short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure or sold a property in the last 7 years in which the lender agreed to accept less than the outstanding mortgage balance due?
Have you had property foreclosed upon in the last 7 years?
Have you declared bankruptcy within the past 7 years?

Real Estate Info

Do you intend to occupy the property for the loan that you are applying for as your primary residence?
Do you currently own any properties or land?
Have you had an ownership in a property in the last three years?
How was the title held?
Address of owned property?
What was the property type?
Are there any mortgage loans on this property?
Address of owned property #2?
Do you intend to occupy the property for the loan that you are applying for as your primary residence?
What was the property type (of property #2)?
Are there any mortgage loans on this property (of property #2)?
Address of owned property #3?
Do you intend to occupy the property for the loan that you are applying for as your primary residence?
What was the property type (of property #3)?
Are there any mortgage loans on this property (of property #3)?
Address of owned property #4?
Do you intend to occupy the property for the loan that you are applying for as your primary residence?
What was the property type (of property #4)?
Are there any mortgage loans on this property (of property #4)?
Address of owned property #5?
Do you intend to occupy the property for the loan that you are applying for as your primary residence?
What was the property type (of property #5)?
Are there any mortgage loans on this property (of property #5)?


Are you purchasing a home AND already have a contract or purchase agreement?
Will you be purchasing this property as your Primary Residence, a Second Home, or an Investment Property?
Will you set aside space within the property to operate your own business? (e.g., daycare facility, medical office, beauty/barber shop, etc.)
What is the expected monthly rental income?
Are you employed by the property seller, real estate agent or other party to the transaction of the house that you are purchasing?
Do you have a family relationship or business affiliation with the seller of the property?
Are you receiving any money gifts for this transaction?
Are you borrowing any money for this real estate transaction (e.g., money for your closing costs or down payment) or obtaining any money from another party, such as the seller or realtor, that you have not disclosed on this loan application?
Have you or will you be applying for a mortgage loan on another property (not the property securing this loan) on or before closing this transaction that was not disclosed on the application?
Have you or will you be applying for any new credit (e.g., installment loan, credit card, etc.) on or before closing this loan that is not disclosed on the application?
Will you be going to the title company for closing or do you want to discuss your options?
Are you planning on being out of town for any length of time during this transaction?

Notes To Us

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